One of the interesting thing about the Duke Sport Medicine Clinic is that it is located in Wallace Wade Stadium on the Duke campus.
Nan was in the examination room for almost 2 hours. The magazines were kind of picked over, but I found one called "The Week". I'd never seen it before. It was a year-end review of media stories from all over the world. My favorite story was on about a Florida man who was arrested with a bag of cocaine in his buttocks. It seems that he was stopped for speeding and the police found two plastic bags wedged into his rear end.(The article did not explain the grounds for a body cavity search where the only probable cause appeared to be a traffic violation) One of the bags contained a "green leafy substance" and the other 27 pieces of crack.(Cocaine that is) Anyway, the man explained and took responsibility for the pot, but claimed that "the white stuff isn't mine." It takes "I was just holding it for some else" to a whole new level.
There was also a story about an Italian women who called the police to report that virtual burglars had broken into her virtual home she was maintaining in an on-line game and stole her virtual furniture. As crazy as it sounds, I actually think she may have a case. She claimed to have paid the on-line website $140 to furnish her apartment. If the furniture is now gone, she's out the $140. Besides the possibility of a criminal action, she may have a cause of action against the website for failed security. At the very least, I think she file a virtual law suit.
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