What in the world has possessed me? Here I am actually writing an entry for a blog. Why? I really don't have an answer. I certainly don't think anybody is really interested in what I'm doing with my life now that I have left regular full-time employment and am living part-time in Durham, North Carolina. If I thought that, I'd be making more posts on my Facebook page.
One thing I miss most from my days as a full-time regular employee is the camaraderie that existed with fellow workers and friends. As a Support Magistrate, I did have a pulpit(well bench) from which to entertain, andthere was a constant flow of people to talk to and deal with. Right now my life is devoid of those relationships. I miss the opportunities I had to talk life over with friends. Maybe a blog will help and it's less expensive than therapy.
For the past ten years I have on a semi-regular basis kept a journal. Entries usually consist of the weather, amount of exercise, and my activities of the day. My blog will contain this trivial minutiae, along with reports on events in our lives and the life of our community.
It has been almost 16 months since I left the employ of NYS. About half those months have been spent in Durham, North Carolina where my wife teaches at Duke University. We have had a great time enjoying all that the area has to offer and taking advantage of "perks" available through the first class institutions in this region. I've auditioned for various theater projects during that time (gotten one role) and finished a play and two short stories. I play golf weekly and go to as many Duke sponsored sporting and cultural events as I can.
So, into the wonderful world of blogging I go. Krista, one of my daughters, has her own blog and is one of my inspirations for this project. If you want to read about her life in Boston see Pickles Unite here on Blogger.
Hooray! I can't wait to read more!