Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Comin' Home

  Yesterday was a clear, sunny, cold day.  The major event was a trip to Greensboro to audition for the Triad Stage.  It's one of the few equity companies within reasonable driving range.  This was one of their semi-annual general auditions.  Nan came too and we both did our standard audition pieces.  They only have two shows left in their main stage season - Steel Magnolias and Masquerade.  I don't think there are too many roles available.  Anyway, it felt good to get up and run a few line, albeit for less than 3 minutes.  The nature of the beast. 
      The theater itself is in downtown Greensboro and looks a little like Cap Rep.  I think they have a second smaller stage as well.  The drive is about 49 miles, but time wise it's about the same as driving from Averill Park to Bennington.  Time will tell.
      Today was all about getting ready to head north.  To avoid the DC gridlock we're leaving at about 5:00PM, which will get us to AP about 3:00 AM.  Weather looks clear.  Only possibilities of flurries and squalls when we hit NY.  Wish us luck.  It will be the dogs first trip north, so I'm anticipating a few stops.

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