Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Busy Holiday Season

     As soon as the semester was over and marks posted we headed North for the holidays.  We took two cars so that I could stay up a little longer to ski.  We didn't have to wait long for the snow to arrive.  Two days after we landed home we were the recipients of about 10 inches of the white stuff.  This gave son David and I had chance to ski together at Jiminy Peak in Hancock, Mass.  We went half a day, skiing in light snow and great conditions.  My legs were up to about 12 runs while David added a couple more.  It was the first time he skied in years as he became a convert to snowboarding over a decade ago.  I think he has seen the light and will be skiing from now on.  We also got a chance to take in a RPI hockey game  RPI beat the US Under 18 team 2 to 1. (At this point I would normally insert a picture of David and I at the game.  However, for some reason I'm not currently able to transfer pictures to this blog.  Sorry.)
     Unfortunately mid-winter turned into a December thaw and most of the snow disappeared.  We were scheduled for a Christmas hayride with extended family, but sleighs don't run well in mud.  Anyway, nice brunch at Maxon Road on the 22rd. We celebrated Christmas on the eve of the 23rd and had a nice evening. (Imagine a picture of our Christmas tree at this point.)  On the 24th we went to friends Tom and Jackie's open house in the afternoon and then I sang at church in the evening. Christmas Day we got in a nice hike in bitter cold conditions.
     A second large snowstorm struck mid-week and I was able to get up to Pineridge Cross Country Ski Area and see my friend Walt Kirsh.  Conditions were great and I skied about 12 K.  (Imagine a picture here of me standing amidst snow laden pines) The snow was washed away again a few days later by warm temps.
     Nan's Spring Semester started early so she went back on January 3rd.  I stayed with the hopes of getting in some more downhill.  Snow had all but disappeared in the Capital District, but I took the opportunity to spend an hour or two skating at the ice rink at HVCC.  (Imagine another picture of me on skates.)
     My time North culminated with a trip to Stratton Mountain up in Vermont.  Many thanks to Tyler Hake, one of my son's friends, who came with me.  Also thanks to his brother, Bruce, who is on the Ski Patrol and listed me on his friends and family list.  Tyler was great.  He's an excellent skier, but was very patient with me and didn't laugh too hard when I fell ass-over-teakettle on the Cub Carpet, which is a conveyor belt lift for kids.  Nobody told me to lean forward.  Anyway great day on well maintained trails.

(Imagine a beautiful picture of the Green Mountains from the top of Stratton.)


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