We took our time heading north after the close of the Fall semester. We waited for word that our bathroom renovations had been completed before hitting the road. We were thrilled with the new bath and spent a number of days painting and doing some of the finishing work. I went out to Schoharie County to join my former co-workers for their Christmas Party. It was good to see everyone and get caught up on their news. We went to see The Hobbit with David and was disappointed. It's a simple story and it would have been nice to have seen a simple film. Despite the disappointment, it was good to spend time with David and get the graduate's expertise on the film.
We had only been home a few days when a violent wind storm knocked out our power for 3 days. I opened a corner of our swimming pool so that we could get water to flush the new toilet in the new bathroom. Fortunately it wasn't bitterly cold and we kept the fireplace going. Dinner out and visiting friends kept us busy. This was the first year that Krista didn't join us for Christmas and Christmas Eve. She and Spike came a few days before Christmas. We had planned an pre-Christmas breakfast and then our traditional once a year bowling expedition, but with the power out plans were changed. Of course we did the bowling, with Spike having a personal best.
On Christmas Eve day Nan and I went up to Grafton Lakes State Park for a hike with the dogs. We hiked a six miles loop through the forests on the east side of the park and had a great time. The dogs of course loved covering new terrain with lots of interesting smells.
Christmas Eve was at my sister and brother-in-law's home in Saratoga Springs. As usual, my sister pulled out all the stops and hosted a very enjoyable time. We were joined by friends Tony and Jane, Jim Miller(family friend from Averill Park) and my brother-in-law's mother Rose who has just moved north from Queens. Erin and David were also there.
After a great meal and present openings, I hustled back to AP to sing at the candlelight service. We did five numbers and as usual the service was very moving. It's tough not to think back to the years when the entire family would attend the service. Then we'd come home to a big midnight dinner. After dinner we'd sing carols around the piano and finally open presents. Then dessert and off to bed at 3 or 4 in the morning. It was always the highlight of the year. It still is in many ways, but now it brings some sadness with it. Things change - kids grow up, people move away, and others are there only in spirit. The memories are great though(except my 1969 attempt to sing at the candlelight service and accompany myself on as autoharp - but that's another story.)
Christmas day was just as busy. After a leisurely morning with Nan at home, we joined our friends Tom and Jackie C. and their son Luke together with Sue and George at Moreau State Park for a Christmas Day hike. It was beautiful -crisp and clear with a trace of snow covering everything. After about 4 miles we headed back home and opened the rest of our presents - a nice Christmas.
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