Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Back to the Grind

        After a week at the beach, it was difficult to get back into the swing of our weekly routine.  In fact, my motivation to work was at zero.  The weather has been nice and the trees are in bloom, so it's a pleasure to walk the dogs.  We also took a trip to Duke Gardens to view the flowering trees.
        In the early 1930's Dr. Frederic M. Hans, an original faculty member of the Duke Medical School, persuaded Sarah P. Duke, widow of Duke Univ. founder Benjamin Duke, to donate $20,000.00 to finance a garden adjacent to the Duke West Campus.  By 1936 when Sarah died the original garden had fallen into disrepair. Dr. Hanes convinced Sarah's daughter to reconstruct the gardens. Pioneer landscape designer Ellen Shipman planned the reconstruction and planting of the new gardens.  There are 5 miles of walks and pathways in the 55 acre park.
       Another nice aspect of the Gardens is that you can walk the dogs as long as they are leashed.

        We finished the week volunteering at "Tails at Twilight", the fundraiser for the Animal Protective Society of Durham.  Nan was a section leader and I was in charge of several of the tables at the silent auction.

        We were Section 1 - hence the sign.  It was a very successful evening.  Unfortunately, while I was taking care of another one of the tables at the silent auction someone broke a small piece off a Hummel figurine that was up for bid and then hid the small piece.  I only hope that the person who won the bid was the person who broke it.  Otherwise it was a nice night.

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