In addition to family, friends, and playing, we also spent some time doing research for Nan's book project. She spent part of the week in NYC at the New York Public Library Theater Collection. During the second week of January, we went together to Boston. Although a portion of the trip was to do research at the Harvard Theater Collection, the more important reason was to see Krista and Spike's new home.
The house is in Wakefield, Mass., close to where Spike grew up. Spike is a big Red Sox fan and I actually believe they decided to pick Wakefield because the Sox's winningest pitcher ever was Tim Wakefield. It's just a theory, but . . . They prepared a nice meal for us and of course we got to watch the Patriot play-off game.
From there we went to Cambridge and stayed with our friends Tom and Dag. They live within a couple of blocks of the Charles(in fact it's just two blocks from where Kris and Spike used to live). The weather was great so I got in a nice run. It ranks as one of my favorite place to run. The views are great and it's flat. My favorite place has to be the Brooklyn Bridge,however. Nan and I used to stay at our friends Ann and Mark's home in Brooklyn Heights when we went to the City, and from their place to the other side of the Bridge and back was a perfect 5k. Although it's up and down over the bridge, the views take your mind off the hill.
While in Cambridge, we spent two full days at Harvard(read a great history of the Boston Museum). Here's a shot of Dr.Nan outside the Houghton Library where the theater collection is located.
We had intended to spend a third day, but weather forecasts indicated the possibility of a storm, so we hit the road early. Kris and Spike came over for dinner both nights and Dag and Tom were extremely gracious hosts. Enjoyed the company - sort of a mini-vacation.
Our busy Christmas holiday break came to an end several days after our return from Boston. We packed up our small artificial tree and got ready for our trip back to the Daze.